Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Carparrazzi: Inside The World Of London's Arab Playboy Racers

Inside The World Of London's Arab Playboy Racers: Supercar-Driving Millionaires Who Posh Locals Say Have 'Made Ttheir Lives A Misery' -- Daily Mail

* Locals in exclusive area say drivers are 'a manifestation of too much-ness'
* Motorists known as 'Gulfies' on holiday for three months from Gulf region
* Panda Morgan-Thomas leading campaign to clamp down on unruly driving
* She's 'inundated' with complaints from residents who can't sleep at night

Sliding around corners as they weave their way through one of Britain's most exclusive areas, these are the rich Arab playboys who visit London every summer to show off their flashy wheels.

But residents of Knightsbridge, central London - which has an average house price of £3.6million and is home to Harrods - say the drivers from the Gulf region are ‘a manifestation of too much-ness’.

The petrol-heads and their motors are cheered on by camera-carrying youngsters, known as the Carparrazzi, but are hated by a number of furious residents who claim their lives are being ruined.

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My Comment: Complain .... complain .... complain.

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